The Engineering Guide to LEED-New Construction: Sustainable Construction for Engineers

Fully revised for version 3.0 of the LEED-New Construction rating system (LEED-2009), this GreenSource book helps you acquire the skills needed to apply LEED-NC to sustainable construction projects.

The Engineering Guide to LEED-New Construction, second edition, offers comprehensive coverage of the environmental systems and impacts on which many of the LEED-NC subcategories are based. Detailed equations and exercises in the book can be used to perform the calculations outlined in LEED-NC. Valuable information on real-world applications of LEED-NC in military, low-impact development (LID), and other sectors is included in this practical resource.


•Introduction to the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED-NC rating system
•Sustainable sites
•Water efficiency
•Energy and atmosphere
•Materials and resources
•Indoor environmental quality
•Innovation in design and regional priorities
•A systematic view of green and minimum program requirements
•Department of Defense sustainable construction and indoor air quality (IAQ)
•Low-impact development 

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CAD/CAM System

Completely free simple yet powerful software for 3-axis mills, use it to create G-codes for drilling, milling, engraving, tapping & pocketing.
Created by Sotiris Kontogiannis

Open Source software for 3-Axis CNC mills. Simple interface for making holes, and sketches, which after extruded, provide the cutting paths for the selected end mill. GCAM also supports RS274X (Gerber) and Excellon drill files for circuit board milling..

A powerful CAD/CAM system with the "Save" crippled, for those who want to learn 3D modeling and part programming for milling or turning in a Windows environment. Also download the QuickStart Tutorial for milling and turning, but, to view the Tutorial you'll need MSWord 7.0 or the freeware MSWord 7.0 viewer .
You can receive a free CD with all the software and tutorials by entering the download area and clicking the link SOLIDCAM CD-ROM.
@20MB. Screenshot. Created by CADTech.

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Probability and Risk Analysis: An Introduction for Engineers

ISBN: 3540242236
Publisher : Springer
Author: Igor Rychlik, Jesper Rydén

This text presents notions and ideas at the foundations of a statistical treatment of risks. Such knowledge facilitates the understanding of the influence of random phenomena and gives a deeper understanding of the possibilities offered by and algorithms found in certain software packages. Since Bayesian methods are frequently used in this field, a reasonable proportion of the presentation is devoted to such techniques. The text is written with a student in mind who has studied elementary undergraduate courses in engineering mathematics, maybe including a minor course in statistics. Despite employment of the style of presentation traditionally found in the mathematics literature (including descriptions like definitions, examples, etc.). Probability and Risk Analysis emphasizes an understanding of the theory and methods presented; hence, comments are given verbally and a reasoning is frequent. With respect to the contents (and its presentation), the ambition has not been to write just another new textbook on elementary probability and statistics. There are lots of such books, but instead the focus is on applications within the field of risk and safety analysis.

Fundamentals of Probability dan Statistik untuk Engineers

Fundamentals of Probability dan Statistik untuk Engineers adalah
sebuah buku yang dapat di kategorikan berbeda dari buku yang lain dan sudah sangat pantas bagi siswa yang membutuhkan, serta telah di uji selama bertahun-tahun. buku ini di buat untuk siswa yang memerlukan pemahaman lebih tentang probabilitas dan statistik. menyajikan dasar dari subjek bersama dengan konsep-konsep probabilistic modelling, dan archetypal proses seleksi, verifikasi dan analisis. Selain itu, penyertaan lebih dari 100 contoh latihan dan 200 (secara detail dari berbagai topik), bersama dengan solusi chiral untuk instruktur, pantas di pelajari oleh para mahasiswa dan dosen di berbagai disiplin ilmu teknik. Fitur kunci: Presents dengan dasar dalam dan probabilitas statistik bersama dengan aplikasi. Menjelaskan konsep probabilistic modelling dan archetypal proses seleksi, verifikasi dan analisis. Definisi yang cermat. pembahasan meliputi bab tentang analisis regresi, desain percobaan dengan berbagai contoh dan latihan yang dipilih dari berbagai bidang teknik.

MATLAB Companion for Multivariable Calculus

ISBN: 012187625X
Publisher : Academic Press
Author: Jeffery M. Cooper

Secara singkat menjalaskan pengenalan program Matlab dengan latihan sederhana untuk memperkenalkan Multivariable Calculus numerik prosedur sederhana seperti diferensiasi numerik, integrasi numerik dan metode Newton's di beberapa variabel, sehingga memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk menanggulangi masalah realistis. Banyak contoh yang menunjukkan bahwa siswa belum menggunakan Matlab secara efektif. Banyak latihan di bidang matematika dan aplikasi yang disajikan dalam buku ini, menuntut proyek-proyek yang memerlukan dari beberapa program.

Pabrik Susu Kental Manis

Susu segar diubah menjadi kristal/bubuk dengan proses aerosol drying, Powder/bubuk susu yang dihasilkan lebih halus dengan kadar lemak yang rendah, zat gizinya terhaga baik, serta memiliki concrete backdrop yang baik. untuk mempelajari bagai backbone proses pembuatan susu kental manis silahkan mendownload bahan di atas ini dalam architecture PPT